It’s not ONLY about transactions…


At Ashleigh Stoesser Professional Corporation

We help individuals and family businesses navigate accounting, taxes and overall family wealth.

Let us take care of what you don’t understand by analyzing your requirements and asking the questions you wouldn’t ask yourself. With our assistance, you can feel confident about your tax structure and accounting set up. More than just compliance and compilation, you get ongoing consultation and support. Let us be your collaborative business ally with the expertise you need to grow your family’s wealth.

The team at Ashleigh Stoesser Professional Corporation is dynamic and calculating. We are creative problem solvers and resolvers, navigators, collaborators, team players, reliable multitaskers and amazing allies to have on your team. We are both left-brained AND right-brained; we are the best of both worlds.

About Ashleigh:

Ashleigh Stoesser is a CPA, CA with over 15 years of experience solving the accounting and tax challenges of Canadian entrepreneurs and their families. She graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University with a Bachelor in Business Administration and is designated as both a Chartered Accountant (CA) and a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA). Ashleigh is also a graduate of the In-Depth Tax Program Levels I and II offered by the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants.

How I got started:

From an early age, I was always fascinated by money. How people made money, how they spent it, how they saved it for the future. I took an accounting course in grade 10, suggested by my mother who said she saw me as a business woman one day. I was good at it and realized that I could make a career as a professional and one day run my own business. And here I am! A single mom who wants to help other women and other business owners.

Why I’m still an accountant:

I love business and all the positive aspects of it. I love understanding complex things and helping others with the best possible advice and expertise. Believe or not, there’s an unexpected creativity in accounting too. I am passionate about using my creativity to help my clients grow and succeed. My mission is helping families navigate the accounting and tax side of their business and overall family wealth and in doing so, to be involved in educating financial literacy to kids and young adults.